Tuesday, December 1, 2020

What Actually is a "hairline fracture" Mr. President-Elect?

President-Elect Biden suffered a foot injury while playing with his dog “Major” over the recent holiday weekend.  Mr. Biden was diagnosed with a hairline fracture of the middle and lateral cuneiforms which are located in the center region of the foot.  While this type of fracture is not usually associated with tripping over one’s dog, he will likely be in a walking boot or shoe for several weeks.

What is a “hairline fracture”?

Hairline fractures are actually “stress fractures” where the bone fractures or cracks under excessive stress and are common in the weight bearing bones of the foot.  They are usually caused by constant and repetitive stress and strain to the bone.  Stress fractures may occur from overuse, repetitive athletic activities and even due to bone alignment and foot deformities. High impact sports such as basketball, running and even ballet place someone at risk for a stress fracture.  

The treatment for stress fractures is to rest the bone and control the abnormal forces on the bone.  This may mean a cast, a walking boot or surgical shoe.  Healing will be monitored with x-rays and by the improvement of clinical symptoms.  It often takes a bone four to six weeks to heal enough to withstand forces placed on it.  If a bone were to be subjected to similar stress too early, it could easily refracture.  Generally, we tell patients to plan on at least 8 weeks without athletic activities after a stress fracture.  There are ways to speed up healing of bones as well as soft tissues but immobilization is always necessary to some degree.

While President-Elect Biden was transported presidential style to his doctor for a foot injury, all YOU have to do is contact Family Podiatry Center to be seen for an urgent same day or next day appointment.  And while Mr. Biden needed to go to a second facility, the physicians at Family Podiatry Center are the MOST qualified to evaluate, diagnose and treat all your foot and ankle injuries!  Podiatric physicians are specifically trained in all thing’s feet – giving you the best and most appropriate care rather than first seeing a general or even a general orthopedic physician or physician assistant first.  At Family Podiatry Center, we have in-office x-ray and diagnostic capacity so you will most likely get an accurate diagnosis on your first visit!